Carolyn Joyce, Secretary
Caroline holds a Doctorate of Education from Cardinal Stritch University in Educational Leadership, is an Affiliate Faculty member of the UWM-Great Lakes Water Institute and an Academic Staff Emeritus for UWM-School of Continuing Education. As a curriculum developer she has focused on fresh and ocean water multimedia education for the National Marine Sanctuaries, National Estuary Research Reserve, the JASON PROJECT, Milwaukee Community Sailing Center, Discovery World, and others.
Personal Quote: “Taste & Sea - Taste & See is my own personal quote to express my profound love for anything water and my ability to understand it. I have to TASTE & SEA (interact) with bodies of water. Such as Sailing: (cats paws, lifts/knocks, waves,crests/troughs. Then I SEE the physics of water. TASTE & SEA an Aquatic Site:(current speed, invertebrate populations, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and density/salinity). Then I SEE the chemistry of water and its relationship to life. Taste & Sea - Taste & See.”