Clean Water Plan & Goals
Quarterly Meetings
4 Quarterly Meetings, 40-60 attendees, Bob Wakeman (State AIS Coordinator) presented, DNR Wardens presented, North Lake Management District presented, AIS Update from coordinator, LCCW Award discussion
Education Opportunities
Quarterly meeting speakers, annual Healthy Lakes Conference, education booth at LCCW Festival & events, educational opportunities with State and Local Officials, University Staff, and curriculum for younger K-12 students
Outreach Opportunities
Email and outreach correspondence, Constant Contact partnership with Washington and Waukesha Counties, recording and editing outreach/education videos, pursuing partnership opportunities, podcasting
In Field Opportunities
Participate and partner in Clean Boats, Clean Waters Efforts, partner with Purple Loosestrife Biocontrol, partnership with Healthy Lakes Grants Projects, AIS Snapshot day, Project RED partnerships